![]() "I am writing the story that will never end in my heart."
30th April~~~
means still got 1 more months to work.. i wonder in this MAY i still can Tank it or Not~ I notice the day keep goin,alot things happen and its very shock to see it.. Today.. I really got MAD...SUPER ANGRY....ITS like im goin BURST OUT anytime...[like the Volcano] its realli unreasonable to alwiz SAY me tis and dat...kinda irritated...and den repeating the same thing over and over again... Seriously everytimes she talk to me like dat..i feling wan scold her back.. today seriously got Headache and den a little bit pain at my heart.. coz i can feel dat all my feeling,my anger all went up to my brain..cant find a way to SPLIT it OUT... Oh seriously i wanted cry so much...but den everything nid to TAHAN.. on dat times..i was thinking..'ok seriously cant take it...juz say it out and say OK aunty today LASt dat..im not goin work for nxt month' at the end..din say out..juz like dat.. I getting notice working wit relatives somehow its not really a gud idea... well mayb others will be diff... but den..the dat since i start working..actually..i dun realli like it..been force to..since they kinda ignore me..kip call me...=.= [if my cousin see tis..i think im dead...my best cousin mom..=.= sorry im telling the truth about my feeling] i noe myself that im very emotional person.. so if i feel dat thing happen to me make me sad...i seriously will cry for no reason.. even my frend say dat too... its kinda weird..last time im not like tis... i realli hope to BE better person..dare to do anything.. me easy to be bully by ppl???? duno..mayb..or mayb not... until now...IM STILL NOT READY to WORK... still wan STUDY...dat my final.. getting to see my blog full wit MY MAD MAD MAD about my working~~~LOLxxx~~
Early morning started to moody~
evryday i woke up..its time for work~~ to tell the truth..i dun like my uncle come pick me up.. and his car...[i dun like his car]~not emm uncomfortable~SERIOUS![i think ppl sit oso wont like it..will feel like getting down faster.. And dat eally SPOIL my MOOD~.. i alwiz less talk wit him..onli he alk i juz say..[duno..yes..oo....]better no nid talk rite =.= well if im dun talk means i MOODY or i dun ike the person~..so im late or lazy to respon people... den he ask me go fix my time on wed to go fo tong.. i noe its gud but den..i dun wan goo..Mai kip call me go... i juz spon him 'I DUNO' means MAI~~=.=dun like ppl force me sumting i dun like,i may Hate YOU...FORE REAL [oh well depends who u are] i juz wish for the time to go faster...ralliw an get out of dat place =.= (abit scary to write everything here..wonder if he read it wad will happen) Den on LUNCH time..well tis time abit happy... 1 japanese lady..she alwiz com to the shop to eat wit her baby... her baby so cute....onlit 5MOnths but den...seriously very big..18kg!!!5month??!!! too bad din take his pic..[trying] she brought her frend (2)also japanese..its realli interesting too see foreign ppl der.....den paying e bill.. 1 jap lady trying tell me wad she order..well i said, i remember... den she reply me "SUGOI" wow i heard dat realli make me happy... ARIGATO!!!!! wish can learn japanese 1 days... elly goin BE moody everyday...HOW COME???
hmm..alot thing happen..
but im lazy to think bck about it... last Sat Nite was my cousin bro 21st birthday~ having party..so i went...quite ok la..... the nice part which is the 1st time i drink wain and Champagne.. i thought e taste will be nice..but end up..=.= i dun like it.. drink few already goin KO [dizzy]....nice experience..LOLx.. Today~ Morning..irritated la.. got one husband n wife [old] came to the shop to breakfast.. asking me alot things bout food..wat is ris and dat? wat kind of noodles? i juz answer them which ever i noe.. den i KENA frm dat aunty : 'why you everything oso duno' waseh..i kena liao..dat time..my mind was thinking 1.I cant read chinese how possible i noe wad is dat word..evernthough der is eng. [my eng not pro =.=] 2.Im NOT e chef...[care for wad] 3.I not gud explain and promote things [dat y i quit the job at mall]..my aunty n my cousin sis alwiz say.."MUZ LEARN~~everything oso must learn den u can do it." [i noe, things have to man man lai de..But somehow i dun like it..the more they say the more i hate..ehem them?? not realli,juz dun like..] =.=NOw i noe dat...there is alot kinds of people..diffrent behavior,attitude.. Well those aunty,uncle,OLD OLD de,and rich aunty uncle ar...VERY wad de.... working there sometimes realli annoying me..WHY??? STINGY people,ANNOYing people...ETC..... den i got 1 aunty say bout dat aunty den dat aunty say bak about dat aunty... all Tell me//zzz dats why i dun like go der since last time...[working der-->force] =.= cant wait to get my SALARY..nowadays alwiz feel sleepy der...aihsss.. cant wait till the days/months dat i quiting... |
Elly Ksy. Currently I'm Graphic Design & Multimedia students. I enjoy kpop (LOVE it so much). I think I'm a very good listerner, love being with my friends. Facebook Twitter Deviantart Music
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